As part of a collaboration with cross-party think tank Demos, a new report – Wall to Wall Support – was published last year, and launched at a House of Commons event, highlighting how £4.3bn of public funds could be saved every year by taking a holistic approach to providing public services and better supporting vulnerable children, young people, and families.
These costs are a direct result of the additional use of government services by young people and families needing support in areas such as housing, health, and employment due to being let down by the siloed nature of public service delivery. In this model, problems are not dealt with early enough and end up reaching a crisis point that is much more costly to resolve.
By supporting this report, our ambition is to bring lawmakers' attention to the issue and to stimulate policy innovation that can shift the focus from firefighting to prevention. Meanwhile, we hope to share the lessons of Grosvenor Hart Homes' approach to providing high-quality affordable homes paired with tailored support services so that its successes can be replicable.