Impact evaluation

In parallel with establishing Grosvenor Hart Homes, we have developed a rigorous evaluation and cost-benefit framework to guide the evolution of our approach, promote accountability, and prove our conviction that there is a better way of supporting vulnerable children, young people, and their families. In helping to transform individual life chances, and bring savings to the public purse we hope to demonstrate the benefits of transitioning away from a constant ‘crisis management mode’ where spending on sticking-plaster solutions only affords temporary relief, to investing in preventative solutions for the long-term. 

To support this work, we commissioned Social Impact Consultancy Sonnet to undertake a detailed evaluation of Grosvenor Hart Homes’s operating model applied to a pilot affordable housing and tailored support services scheme we are developing in Chester. Sonnet is a community interest company that helps organisations to articulate the impact of what they are doing, providing advice on impact and measurement frameworks, and conducting analyses of social and system impact. This evaluation was stress-tested by an independent panel of leading experts in the fields of affordable housing and support services.

"’s one of those places 
where you feel safe not just physically but also mentally."

- A Grosvenor Hart Homes tenant

"’s one of those places 
where you feel safe not just physically but also mentally."

- A Grosvenor Hart Homes tenant

Our first cost-benefit analysis evidences both the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of taking a holistic, joined-up approach. The impact on the people is profound and likely to positively change the life course of those participating in the pilot with improved educational attainment, health/ mental health, job prospects, and financial stability. Moreover, we believe this pilot alone will save the public purse in excess of £2.4m – a considerable amount from a relatively small cohort of 11 families and care leavers who are part of our initial pilot programme.  

Extrapolating these expected impacts to what could be achieved nationally makes the numbers highly compelling. If, of the estimated 761,000 vulnerable families known to children’s services, just 25% were to be supported through this holistic approach, the estimated direct savings to the public purse would exceed £35bn. And, of course, the value of the personal impact on each child and young person whose life chances have been permanently improved is truly immeasurable.   

As we develop and scale our programme to deliver over 750 homes and help circa 2,000 children and young people achieve better outcomes over the next 10 years, we hope that by publishing regular and detailed cost/benefits of our approach, others will be encouraged to replicate its successes and magnify its impact. 

Please use the links below to find out more.

Cost-Benefit Framework

Read Sonnet's evaluation of our operating model applied to a pilot affordable housing and tailored support services scheme being developed in Chester.

Download Sonnet's report

Evaluation Framework 

Find out more about the framework against which we judge success in supporting vulnerable children, young people and their families. 

Discover more

From crisis management to outcome-led intervention 

Find out how pairing affordable housing and support services can transform the lives of vulnerable children and young people, and a ‘whole Council’ approach boost the public purse by as much as £35bn.

Download our brochure

Find out how pairing affordable housing and support services can transform the lives of vulnerable children and young people, and a ‘whole Council’ approach boost the public purse by as much as £35bn.

Real examples of our impact

Case study: Young Person A

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Case Study: Young Person B

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Case Study: Family 

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Group 2