Empowering youth workers with Young Minds

The Westminster Foundation’s long-term partnership with Young Minds addresses a critical gap in mental health training for youth workers.

Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health, recognised that insufficient training in mental health and a lack of confidence to respond positively to a young person’s mental health challenges were common concerns among youth workers.

Funded by the Westminster Foundation, Young Minds partnered with UK Youth to scope, design, and develop new training courses, online information, and resources to support trusted adults in community settings. 

The training engages and equips adults to support emerging mental health needs, provide early intervention help, and aims to remove the financial barrier to accessing support.

With access to online information and resources, Young Minds’ support is free and always available. In the first six weeks after launch, there were over 13,000 page views, highlighting the demand for this provision, and the reach it is achieving. 

Visit www.YoungMinds.org.uk 

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