Grosvenor Hart Homes

Information for tenants

Tenant information

We’re really pleased to have you as part of the Grosvenor Hart Homes (GHH) community. 

We hope you’ll find everything you need to make the most of your tenancy here, but do not hesitate to contact us if you need to or if you have any ideas, thoughts or suggestions about how we can build a thriving GHH community. 

You can contact us in the following ways: 

  1. by telephone on 01244 563777 (core office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) 

  2. by email to 

  3. in person or in writing to our Chester office: 3 St Johns Court, Vicar's Lane, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 1QE 

If you have an emergency situation out of GHH office hours that you feel cannot wait until the GHH office is open, please contact 0800 048 5705.   

Remember to check the ‘Reporting a repair’ tab below if you need to report an emergency repair issue out of hours. 

In an emergency where there is a risk to life or of significant harm, please always call 999 and ask for the relevant emergency service e.g. the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade. 

If the information we have provided is not in an accessible format for you, please let us know and we will look at how we can meet your needs. 

Key information for tenants

Below is some key information about your tenancy. Click on the icons.

Reporting a repair

We know how frustrating it is when something goes wrong in your home. 

Grosvenor Hart Homes (GHH) have a responsive repairs policy, and we are committed to working with our repairs partners to fix problems as they arise in your home so you can maintain a high-quality home.  

How do I report a repair? 

We want to make it easy for you to log a repair request. 

You can report a repair in the following ways: 

  • By phoning 01244 563777 (within core office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)
  • By emailing 
  • By visiting our office: 3 St Johns Court, Vicar's Lane, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 1QE 
  • By completing an online Repairs Form 

Remember to check the ‘Repairs to your home’ link below:

Find out more about repairs.

Paying your rent

If you are a Grosvenor Hart Homes (GHH) tenant, you will pay your rent directly to GHH through a standing order according to your agreed payment schedule. 

Your rent will be due for payment at the start of your tenancy and then every month after that. In some cases, you may pay your rent on different payment dates or patterns e.g. weekly, four weekly or monthly. 

If you need help with your standing order, please contact Kate Maddocks (Housing and Tenancy Management Officer) at GHH by emailing or phoning 01244 563777. 

If you receive Housing Cost Element of Universal Credit it may be possible to arrange for your housing costs to be paid directly to us. This is called an ‘alternative payment arrangement’.  Please let Kate know if this is something you would like to arrange. 

Checking your rent balance 

You can check your rent balance at any time by contacting Kate Maddocks (Housing and Tenancy Management Officer) at GHH by emailing or phoning 01244 563777. 

Find out more about paying your rent.

Anti-social behaviour

How do I report ASB? 

It is essential to us that our tenants feel safe, secure and at peace in their homes. 

We therefore take anti-social behaviour (ASB) very seriously. 

We know that experiencing ASB can be very distressing so we want you to be able to report ASB to us quickly and easily so that we can try and resolve the issue efficiently. 

You can report ASB to us in the following ways: 

  • by telephone on 01244 563777 (within core office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) 
  • by email to  
  • by completing an online ASB report form 
  • in-person or in writing to our Chester office: 3 St Johns Court, Vicar's Lane, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 1QE 

Find out more about anti-social behaviour. 


We always aim to deliver the highest quality service to our customers, but we understand that there may be occasions where we get things wrong, and you may want to give feedback or make a complaint. 

How can I make a complaint to Grosvenor Hart Homes? 

You can provide feedback or make a complaint in the following ways: 

  • by telephone on 01244 563777 (core office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) 
  • by email to  
  • by filling out a Complaints Form  
  • in person or in writing to our Chester office: 3 St Johns Court, Vicar's Lane, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 1QE 

Find out more about complaints.

Get involved in the Hart Homes community

Our vision is to create a place for people to live that is more than just a house. 

We want to create a thriving, supportive and safe community for all of our tenants, which improves their lives and supports them to achieve their goals. 

We want all of our tenants to be active participants in the community and to play their part in supporting their neighbours whenever and in whichever ways they can. We believe that this is what makes a great community. 

Our approach is one of collaboration with our tenants, building upon existing and potential skills, experience and opportunities, raising aspirations and ensuring accountability and reward for all. 

There are many ways you can get involved in the GHH community - find out more here.

We take safeguarding extremely seriously and prioritise the safety of our tenants and customers above all else. 

We take a proactive approach to safeguarding and have robust procedures in place to make sure we can respond to safeguarding concerns swiftly and look after the welfare of our customers.  

All GHH staff, board members GHH appointed third-party contractors, delivery partners and their third-party contractors, volunteers and users of the Grosvenor Hart Hub are expected to follow the GHH policy and safeguarding procedures. 

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is about protecting children (including unborn babies), young people and adults at risk from harm, abuse or neglect and promoting their welfare and right to live safely.  

Types of abuse and neglect is not limited to but can include physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, domestic abuse and financial abuse. 

What should you do if you have a safeguarding concern?

We expect our tenants and the wider GHH community to look out for each other, and if anything does not feel right or you are worried about a child or a vulnerable adult, please do contact GHH for confidential advice and support. 

  • If you are worried about yourself or someone else, within our office hours (i.e. Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), please telephone the GHH office on 01244 563777 and ask to be put forward to the GHH Designated Safeguarding Lead. 
  • If you have a concern around domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247. This is a free 24-hour service. You can also contact the Domestic Abuse Intervention and Prevention Service at Cheshire West and Chester Council for help and advice on 0300 123 7047 (within office hours) or the Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team on 01244 977277 if you have an urgent concern out of hours. For more information, visit 

If you are worried that you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 immediately. 

Remember: it is better to be cautious and report anything that doesn’t feel right so that it can be checked out. We’ll treat all reports sensitively and confidentially as far as we can and make sure the appropriate authorities are consulted in line with our safeguarding procedures. 

If you’d like to find out more or view the GHH Safeguarding Policy, please email  .

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