Life-saving defibrillators installed across the Eaton Estate

A series of life-saving defibrillators were installed in key locations in rural villages on the Eaton Estate, Cheshire, to help keep communities safe. 

Seven defibrillators were installed by the communities and the estate within the villages of Aldford, Eccleston, Saighton, Churton, and Waverton, where they are easily accessible at any time of day. 

In addition to being added to the National Defibrillator Network, known as The Circuit, the estate produced maps displaying their locations, including GPS co-ordinates references (a geocode system to identify any location on earth), which were shared with residents and commercial tenants, posted on noticeboards as well as with the parish councils so as many people as possible know where to find their nearest defibrillator. Since its introduction, one of the defibrillators in Aldford has already saved two lives.

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