Positive change. Lasting benefit.

We strive to take everyday business decisions with an eye to the long term.

And we believe that business can thrive by adopting a mindset that values sustainable growth that benefits both people and the planet.

We are getting used to the idea that the broadly stable economic and political environment of the last four decades – at least for the Western world – is not likely to return for the foreseeable future, if ever.

For anyone under the age of 60, this is quite a dramatic realisation. And yet, when considered over a longer timeframe, it is not so remarkable. In any period in history before this recent era, the degree of uncertainty we face today would have been familiar – war, inflation, weak growth, high interest rates, socio-economic disruption, technological change, and even migration are not new phenomena, albeit climate change and demographic change are.

Our approach at Grosvenor in addressing these difficulties is to remain true to – and guided by – our purpose and values, focusing on the resilience of our businesses, encouraging innovation and adaptability, and maintaining a close eye on prudent financial measures and ratios.

Grosvenor’s purpose is to deliver lasting commercial, social, and environmental benefit. We strive to take everyday business decisions with an eye to the long term. And we believe business can thrive by adopting a mindset that values sustainable growth that benefits both people and the planet. We work to ensure that our activities help address the urgent needs of today while taking responsibility for those of future generations and with the ambition of leaving things better than we found them.

Our five key objectives remain consistent with those illustrated in last year’s Annual Review: to deliver strong commercial results; to improve land, property, places, goods, and services; to efficiently use natural resources, restore and enhance the environment; to make a positive impact within communities; and to support long-term charitable causes. 

Working to realise these objectives, three key themes (as listed below) sum up our focus and performance in 2023. 

Mark Preston
Executive Trustee & Chief Executive

1. Our commercial activities proved resilient in the face of challenging market conditions, persistently high inflation, rising interest rates, and weak economic growth.

See more from our Chief Financial Officer

2. We are taking action to address climate change, exploring new solutions that connect and mutually benefit both urban and rural activities, investing in natural assets and renewable energy.

Find out more in our Sustainbility section

3. Progress in community investment and focused support on vulnerable children and young people - both remain a key priority.

Find out more in our Annual Review
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