
Our investment in ‘on the farm’ software solutions is helping to increase efficiency, productivity and traceability, saving producers time and money, and giving consumers confidence in food produce.

We’re supporting AgriWebb, the market leader in combined arable and livestock management software, to develop digital platforms which are helping the food and agriculture industry become more trusted, efficient, and productive.

Its agricultural and herd software solutions are used by thousands of farmers to manage more than 10 million animals and 35 million acres of farmland, enabling simpler and more effective management of data driven activities, such as resources, animal health, financial information and traceability.

For food manufacturers and consumers, AgriWebb’s technology improves food provenance tracking, increasing the traceability of the foods we eat.

Find out more.

Grosvenor Food & AgTech has unrivalled experience and knowledge of the bovine sector through its long-standing farming operations. Its team is the perfect investment partner, acting as a sounding board, generating opportunities, and facilitating the identification, development and scaling up of lasting solutions.

Kevin Baum
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, AgriWebb

For more information on Grosvenor Food & AgTech's investment in AgriWebb please contact:

profile of Anthony James

Anthony James

Managing Partner, Grosvenor Food & AgTech

+44 207 3122 781

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