Our Sustainability objectives in North America

Environment primary


Environmental objectives in North America

  • Net Zero Carbon Pathway targets 42% reduction in overall BAU emissions by 2030.
  • Reduce supply chain emissions by engaging with businesses on opportunities to improve their climate impact and resilience.
  • Source materials to reduce impact from construction activity and follow sustainable design principles.
  • Invest onsite and offsite renewables, selecting the greenest energy mix feasible across our assets, prioritizing generation and direct procurement where possible.

Additional sustainability actions:

  • 2030 Net Zero Commitment (WGBC).
  • Actively managing utility consumption (Envizi) and conducting portfolio-wide (re-certifications) including EnergyStar, LEED O+M, Fitwell.
  • Executing green leases with new and rolling tenants to share utility data from tenant spaces.
  • Preparing asset-level retrofit plans based on ROI duration and establishing annual portfolio-wide Net Zero Retrofit Fund.
  • Incorporating net zero requirements and resiliency-planning into acquisition and disposition decision-making.
  • Following standards to define how development teams and consultants can address design and construction decisions with net zero considerations in mind. 


In the cities where we operate in US and Canada, we focus on three key areas to maximize contributions to communities:

  • Housing: Prioritize creation and retention of both market and non-market housing units e.g., Waterfront Station.
  • Education: Support through school outreach, internships, scholarships, and apprenticeship programs. e.g., UrbanPlan and Project Destined.
  • Supply Chain Principles:  Our overarching supply chain principles have been developed and consider the environment, community support and ethical business practices.

Local charitable giving in excess of $800k annually via the Westminster Foundation. 

One week paid annual time off for volunteering to social causes.

Governance primary


Industry leading ethical business-centred governance

Progressive internal policies & practices

  • Succession planning and career development opportunities.
  • Parental leave.
  • Industry leading employer contributions to 401k and RRSP.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion employee groups

  • Pride @ Grosvenor, Ability, Racial Justice, Gender Equity, and Culture.

Institutional-grade reporting

  • Annual Global Company Review published.
  • Non-Financial Reporting Directive.
  • Quarterly investor reporting. 

Ethical business

  • Contracting provisions amongst supplier including anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and anti-modern slavery.

Certain of the information included in and supporting these targets are forward-looking statements regarding Grosvenor’s goals and objectives, and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and actual results may differ materially from those reflected herein. Grosvenor does not assume any obligation to update such information, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law.

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