Salt Cross, Oxfordshire

Adapting garden village principles for the 21st century, Salt Cross in West Oxfordshire will be a model for sustainable developments of the future

On behalf of local landowners we are establishing a neighbourhood that will grow and strengthen over time – with 2,200 new homes, schools and a business park.  Salt Cross is one of 14 garden villages endorsed by the Government in 2017 to help meet housing need.

Plans follow our commitment to addressing the climate emergency. The new homes will be designed in line with the proposed Future Homes Standard, with low carbon technologies. They will be gas-free in anticipation of the UK’s future energy mix.

40% of the land will remain undeveloped, with new woodland planted to improve natural habitats and capture carbon.

Our planning journey at Salt Cross has provided an opportunity to shape our pledges on community engagement. Working through a series of events, study tours of other award-winning developments and a two-day interactive workshop, we have designed the masterplan together with local communities.

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Group 2