6 St John's Court, Chester - ground floor


The property comprises self-contained ground floor office and benefits from:

  • Large multi-purpose open plan office space
  • Meeting room
  • Kitchen
  • WC
  • Presented to a high standard
  • LED lighting
  • Gas heating


The property has been measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring  Practice (6th Edition) and comprises a Net Internal Area of:

Ground Floor office - NIA sqm 65.96 / NIA sqft 710

Terms - The property is available on an internal repairing lease for a term to be agreed. 

Rent - The rent is £13,250 per annum plus VAT.   Payable quarterly in advance to include 2 parking spaces.

Rent Deposit - A 3 month rent deposit will be requested.

Rent Review - An upwards only Rent Review to open market value every 3 years.

Parking - The  property has the benefit of 2 car parking spaces. Another space available on an annual licence at £1,300

Business Rates - The tenant is responsible for the payment of business rates The rates payable are approximately £5,000 although it should be noted that the office qualifies for zero rates.

Service Charge - Budget service charge is £4,200 to include gas, water, external maintenance, groundskeeping.

Building Insurance - The landlord will insure the building

Utilities - Gas and water are included in service charge.  Electricity is pay by tenant.

Energy Performance Certificate - The property has an EPC rating of C.   Energy performance certificate (EPC) – Find an energy certificate – GOV.UK

Plans/Photographs - Any plans or photographs that are forming part of these particulars were correct at the time of preparation and it is expressly stated that they are for reference rather than fact.

Legal Costs - Each party is responsible for their own legal costs.

VAT - All terms will be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

Code for Leasing Business Premises - Please be aware of the RICS Code for Leasing Business Premises which is found here. We recommend you obtain professional advice if you are not represented.

Location - The property is located in a quiet courtyard off Vicar’s Lane in Chester City Centre. Neighbours include Bonhams and Allington Hughes. 

If you are interested in this property, please contact:

The Commercial Property Team at the Eaton Estate Office on 01244 684400

Alternatively, this property is being marketed by Legat Owen

Contact Will Sadler 01244 408219 - willsadler@legateowen.co.uk

Group 2