Environmental sustainability

The climate crisis is the single biggest issue our society and economy faces. In response we’ve set ourselves some of the sector’s most ambitious targets.

To deliver against these commitments and to help secure the future of some of the UK’s most historic places, we’re transforming every element of our business from how we work with suppliers, to the management of properties and our approach to construction. 

In line with our People.Planet.Positive approach, each investment or intervention we make considers how we can maximise our impact for both the environment and communities.  

Our environmental goals

Zero carbon

By 2030, we will reduce emissions across all our activities and supply chain by at least 52%, rising to 90% by 2040.

But our ambition doesn’t end at 2040. We’ve committed to being a climate positive business by 2050 and will continue to innovate and stretch ourselves as technology and industry knowledge advances.

Read our net zero carbon strategy here.

Valuing nature

Nature has a significant role to play in the resilience of places and supporting health and wellbeing. By changing how we manage our portfolio and designing nature into developments, we will achieve a significant biodiversity net gain by the end of the decade.

Our goals include achieveing a 20% increase in biodiverstiy in our managed spaces and a 100% increase in our developments by 2030.

Read our biodiversity strategy here.

Zero waste

By 2030, we be will zero waste, fully integrating circular economy principles into our business. We will eradicate non-hazardous waste from buildings and developments in our control by reducing waste at source, and through reusing and recycling materials.

Read our approach to zero waste here.

Core partnerships

Strategies, reports and tools

To view all sustainability strategies, progress reports and tools click here.

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